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Ms. Sonam Manoj

Pain psychologist

Ms. Sonam Manoj holds her Masters in Clinical Psychology and a Masters in Neuro-linguistic Science. She is a Ph.D. research scholar, rigorously researching in the field of Pain Medicine and Neuropsychology. She has also earned a Post Graduate Diploma in E-Pain Management from NHS, United Kingdom. She holds a Diploma in Counselling and a Post graduate Diploma in Life Skills, Reproductive Health and Personal Safety from Christ University, Bangalore.

Sonam Manoj is an active member of International Association of Pain Research, USA.
She is known for tailoring therapies for patients suffering from stress related pain, fibromyalgia, pain challenges in children with needs, sportspersons, etc. Sonam Manoj also works on ‘Geriatric pain management programs’ assisting the elderly in living a quality filled life that one deserves. Using therapies like CBT and ACT she forms basis of her intervention program and works with support groups of Pain management challenges.
She believes strongly in the involvement of Mental Health and its impact on the physical wellbeing and thus has consulted imminent education institutes in the city to build a wellbeing protocol for students and parents.
She is well versed with English, Tamil and Hindi.